Event Production Consultant
Steve Lemon Associates
Steve Lemon has a career spanning five decades. He started out as a rigger, so to say he worked his way from the ground up would be inaccurate. His work experience includes key management positions in special events, brand and entertainment marketing, live event production, site development and management, theater production, concert touring, television and film production, event marketing, industrial/trade show production, and management in just about every type of venue imaginable. Lemon is a member of the Event Safety Alliance and the Global Crowd Management Alliance and is a primary contributor to the Event Safety Guide. His very first site drawing was Woodstock 94, in MiniCAD, and he has been a loyal customer ever since.
It’s Just Lines and Boxes!
Lines and boxes…that’s all some people see. However, to us, illustrating those lines and boxes is a craft; a put-on-the-headphones, tie-a-necktie-on-the-doorknob, “leave me alone and don’t let the doorknob hit you on the back of the head as you leave” piece of art! Of course, some parts of our jobs aren’t all rainbows and unicorns, are they? We’ll work on those today.