Santa Ana
Architect AIBC, AAA, OAA, MRAIC | Principal
As founder and principal of RSAAW, Rafael Santa Ana brings over 25 years of industry experience to the practice. His commitment to excellence in the field is evidenced throughout his work in the private and public realms.
RSAAW is founded on the principles of inherent sustainability, technological innovation, and respect for place and people. Vectorworks is a key tool in the team’s design process: the level of design detail and real-time editing that it affords allows for an uncompromising dedication when realizing a specific architectural idea.
Santa Ana is an active volunteer for the Architectural Institute of BC Internship Program, as well as for various academic and cultural programs in Vancouver.
Your Vision Come to Life: Achieving Design Intent and Meticulous Detail in Vectorworks
Join Rafael Santa Ana of RSAAW as he explores how his studio’s vision and design intent are realized through clear, compelling drawings and extensive attention to detail.
In his presentation, Santa Ana will highlight two recent projects: Lawrence Way Residence, an impactful oceanfront home modernization, and Copper Spirit Distillery, a mixed-use design featuring an artisanal gin distillery and residential rental units. Santa Ana will provide insights and experiences on bringing these projects to fruition and how Vectorworks helps his practice achieve excellence with efficient and accurate drawings.